2024 Grant Application Questions
The official application will be a Google Form that will launch on September 27th morning and close on November 8th at 5pm PST. We will not be accepting emailed or mailed applications. This webpage is solely for applicants to familiarize themselves with the information we will be requesting before the online application is live.
Full Name
Birthday (Month, Day, Year)
Business Name
Business Website
Instagram or Facebook Link
Please provide a clickable link, not a typed-out handle (i.e. https://www.instagram.com/pineconefoundation/)
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Mailing Address (Street, City, Zip Code)
Property Owner’s Full Name
If you are the property owner, please write NA
Property Owner’s Email
If you are the property owner, please write NA
Property Address (Street, City, Zip Code)
Proof of land tenure (ownership, a lease, license, or other written agreement)
If your proposed project is related to permanent infrastructure that cannot move with your operation, you are required to upload a PDF file of your current lease agreement or proof that you own the land/boat/waterway. File type must be a PDF under 1MB or the file will not upload.
Total Acreage of Operation
Operation’s Focus
Year the Operation Launched
Operation Overview
Tell us more about your operation, as well as what you produce or harvest.
Character limit 300.
State your operating expenses from 2023.
State your gross revenue from 2023.
Financial support for my operation comes from (check all that apply):
Farmers' markets/CSA sales/other direct-to-consumer product sales
Wholesale or institutional markets
Foundation grants
Annual crowdfunding campaigns
Family support
Personal savings
USDA or state government grant programs
FSA or state government loan opportunities
Angel investors
At peak season, how many employees (full and part-time) do you employ?
Was your operation awarded any grants from 2022 to 2024?
If so, which organizations awarded you a grant and what was the grant's name? If not, please type NO.
Briefly describe the sustainability measures you have in place if any.
600 characters or less.
Comment on any challenges and barriers to success you and your operation have faced. This should include details on how the PCF grant funding would help you move past or begin to address some of those challenges/barriers.
1000 characters or less.
Please describe your project and how it will improve your operations or serve as a catapult to reach a goal you have set.
Reminder, we will not fund land purchases, new wells, consultants (i.e. web developer, marketing firm, financial advising or otherwise), administrative overhead, or marketing costs. Project proposals should be geared toward a one-year completion period.
1000 characters or less.
Total Grant Project Bid
State the total amount you are applying to have covered by the grant. The maximum PCF grant distribution per application is $3,500.
Comment on any difference between the total cost estimate of your project and bid amounts.
600 characters or less.
Please do not leave this section blank if there is a large disparity above PCF’s maximum grant bid of $3,500. If your project budget is much larger than what PCF is distributing, you are eligible to apply, however, we request that you demonstrate where the additional funding is coming from to make up the difference (i.e. savings, pre-approval for a loan or otherwise). If you do not have a plan for raising the extra funds at the time of submitting your application as to how you will raise the auxiliary funding needed to complete the project, we highly encourage you to present a project that is within the $1,000 to $3,500 range we are offering.
Projected Budget
Upload an estimated, itemized budget for the project including supplies, labor, sales tax, etc. File type must be a PDF under 1MB or it will not upload.
We would like to learn more about your background (check all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian/Asian descent
Black/African American/Afro-Caribbean/African
Latinx/Chicanx/Hispanic or Latinx Indigenous/Original People
Indigenous/Original People
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
White/European descent
I prefer not to say
Owner and Operation Photos
We love to see the people and places for the application. This does not affect your eligibility or probability of receiving a grant. Please upload 1 high-quality JPEG of the owner(s) and 1 high-quality JPEG of the operation. The file type must be JPEG under 5MB or the photos will not upload.
I represent and warrant that this application accurately describes my operation and the intended use of the requested grant and if such grant is awarded I shall comply with all terms and conditions of the Pine Cone Foundation Micro-Grant Eligibility and Qualifications guidelines, as well as Participation rules.
I certify that I am the authorized representative of the operation to submit this application and that the statements submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a false statement may disqualify me from the grant program.
Please type out your full name that serves as a binding signature with the date of submission below.
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